Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well, I did it. My first speech addressing my story with an eating disorder. This morning I spoke at CHS to the GRACE GiRLS. I was very nervous to start off with, but as I began to speak, God calmed my soul and it all felt natural. Basically, I told them about my whole experience. I tried to sum up all I could from my struggles. Now of course there was NO way to tell all of the things I went through, that would take FOREVER! But I can only pray that my story touched someone's heart. I shared with them what God has taught me. . . the simple truth that His grace is enough. I have need for nothing else when my Savior overwhelms me with grace EVERY single morning. I explained to them the dangers of eating disorders and some of the symptoms as well.

You know, as soon as I got back to my car Satan started attacking me. I didn't realize until someone opened up this thought to me. But, thoughts of what I should have said or should not have said ran through my mind. My perfectionism started to take over again and I was beating myself up. An amazing woman of God shared with me that the same thing happens to her sometimes when she speaks and as she prayed about it she realized it was Satan trying to tear her down. That is exactly what he is doing. He can't stand me doing this, because I am now FiGHTiNG eating disorders, not supporting them. It tears him up to see me doing this and sharing my story. And that only makes me want to do it more!! I believe I have found another reason God allowed me to struggle with an eating disorder. . . could a some kind of speaker be in my future? Only God knows, but I commit to following where He leads.

I'll post some notes in a little while!

2 CORiNTHiANS 12:7-10


  1. BRAVO brave girl!!! You are so beautiful inside and out! God chose you, allowed this disease to interrupt your perfect world, and then began working through you, and using His Word by teaching you to use it to help others - my goodness! How He must trust you with it! You inspire me Kaitlyn. Love and blessings and prayers continue for you! Your favorite church secretary.

  2. Oh my goodness Kaitlyn, where do I begin? You did absolutely amazing on your speech today first and foremost. I haven't known you long but it has taken me this short of time to realize how beautiful you are both inside and out! From having such a strong faith in God to speaking out to other girls the importance of the gift life, you inspire me Kaitlyn. It's many young women struggling with the same disease you struggle with daily, but are afraid to share their stories and let God use them.
    Keep fighting Kaitlyn, I know you can do it! (: I will definately be praying for you. You are one of my role models.

    I love you girl, Asia
