Monday, February 22, 2010

ED Awarness week Day 1

Today starts Eating Disorder Awareness week, well I guess yesterday actually did, but I'm starting with today (:

The whole time I've been thinking about ED week, Twister has been clawing at me big time...even as I write, He's telling me that what I am doing is wrong. I'm suppose to be for eating disorders, not against them. Well, he's wrong. If I am for them, then I am on death's side. I am on Satan's side. I am on self destruction's side. Most of all, I'm not on God's side. For far too long, I've been pro-ana. In this stage of my recovery, my life, I am post pro-ana. It is time to move FORWARD. Not backwards. Early in my recovery, I had MANY relapses. Some small, some big enough that should have landed me back in the hospital or a treatment center. But I focus now not on who I was. Not on the struggles I've been through. Not on the mistakes I've made. And while I strongly believe these struggles and this pain has made me who I am today, it's time to be who I am. Not who I was. One foot in front of the other, I will become who I am. I will fight to end Eating Disorders. I will not stop until I have accomplished what God has set out for me to accomplish.

"I am not a has-been. I am a will be."-Lauren Bacall

1 comment:

  1. hey girl,
    i found your blog by accident but i don't think it was by accident. i want to encourage you and pray for you as you struggle through a very real problem that is a direct result of sin in the world and how it effects us. i think it is really amazing that you not only overcame this battle, but you are telling other that there is hope for them. sooo amazing. prasie God for your life and testimony.
